First NJ Academic Cannabis Conference Held in Edison

NJ cannabis conference cannademix held in Edison with panel displayed here

Cannademix, the first New Jersey cannabis academic conference was held. It was hosted in conjunction with Middlesex County College in Edison.

The event had three panels on academia, science, and the politics of reform in New Jersey. It was organized by Why Not THC. It’s a scientific consulting firm led by Joshua Alb, a cannabis researcher at William Paterson University.

Cannademix on Cannabis Science

Alb learned the nuances of growing from Oaksterdam University. They’re the premier cannabis institution in the United States. He moved back to New Jersey after having mastered its cannabis practices in California and trained others.

He noted at the academic NJ cannabis conference that cannabis does not decrease an individual’s intelligence level. Also, it increases rather than decreases sperm count.

“As scientists, we needed to better understand what we’re dealing with to better inform the public,” Alb said.

Dr. Emmanuel Onaivi is a Professor at William Paterson University and an endocannabinoid researcher. H was very well-versed in the science of the plant and its nuances. Onaivi described the endocannabinoid system, the body’s natural system of receptors that respond positively to cannabis. He noted at Cannadmix that it was discovered by Dr. Raphael Mechoulam at Hebrew University in Israel.

A panelist said that when a baby is breastfeeding, it’s like the munchies. The baby’s life is enhanced by endocannabinoids, which improve its immunity. 

Cannabis and CBD for Medical Patient Benefits

“Whatever you do, don’t define CBD as non-psychoactive,” Onaivi said.

He added that it does not get you high because it does not contain sufficient THC. But it does alter the mind in a positive way.

The great benefits that cannabis has for medical patients were noted. Those with arthritis might not want to roll a joint but could use a vape or a pre-roll, pre-rolled joint.

In addition to the panelists, a number of vendors sold CBD and other devices at the academic NJ cannabis conference.

“I’m very impressed by technology on display at the back of the room. That reminds me of the water pipes I used to build in high school,” said Dr. Joseph J. Morgan of Drexel University’s University of the Sciences amidst laughter. He then noted that devices built for vaporization are good for those who wish to avoid inhaling smoke.

Academic NJ Cannabis Conference

Yoga gurus Salam Diri and Estefania Valencia of Sanna CBD Yoga performed their acrobat act in between panels at the NJ cannabis conference. Before performing, Diri explained to the crowd that he had a torn muscle while his girlfriend Valencia had Lyme Disease, and both used CBD to heal themselves.

When discussing the politics, panelists noted there is a municipal tax on cannabis sales. It gives towns looking for revenue without raising taxes an incentive to approve a dispensary. This will be quite tempting for many towns with roads full of pot-holes and crumbling baseball dugouts.

It was noted at the NJ cannabis conference Cannademix dispensaries can be away from schools and churches. That would ease those worried about such things. But standing in the way would not be effective in the long run.

“You get on the train or get run over,” someone said regarding cannabis reform.

The underlying message was that despite opposition, due to its great potential health and economic benefits, cannabis reform is inevitable.


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