Hemp-derived Delta-9 THC is the latest product cannabis companies have mass-produced by exploiting a legal loophole in federal laws.
Since the federal government outlawed cannabis with Delta-9 THC decades ago, hemp-derived Delta-9 THC seems an interesting loophole.
THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol. It is the compound in cannabis that induces a high.
According to Leafly, hemp-derived Delta-9 THC comes from leftover oil in the extraction process. It is found in the “mother liquor” chemical left once CBD is extracted.
The key to the loophole is that products must have less than 0.3 percent THC on “a dry weight basis.” Thus, you could put a little more Delta-9 THC concentrated oil in a physical product that is dry, like a gummy or pastry. The loophole doesn’t work with beverages or oils because they are not dry.
According to CBDOracle.com, hemp-derived Delta-9 THC is legal in 42 states, including New Jersey. It is also legal in New York, while it is under legal challenge in Pennsylvania. Many of the products are strong.
Since the market for this is so new, it is unregulated. Given the nature of humanity, there are bound to be bad apples making sub-par products. Thus, it is important to see if the company has accessible lab results for review. Ethical companies will have lab results for one to view on the bottle or online through a QR code.
Hemp-Derived Delta 9 THC and the Marketplace
Hemp-derived Delta-9 THC is only the latest cannabinoid-derived product to hit the marketplace after Delta-8 THC (D-8), Delta-10 THC, and others. Delta-8 THC was similarly created and subsequently mass-produced by scientists operating in a lab. It was popular for a while until some concerns were raised. It remains legal and unregulated in New Jersey while it was banned in other legal markets.
Since the federal government made cannabis illegal in the 1930s, few serious studies have been performed on cannabis plants. In fact, the federal government made it almost impossible to study the effects of cannabis. Thus, scientists working for manufacturers have found a lot about cannabis and hemp plants. They can easily research the plant and apply their knowledge to new products.
These new products have become widespread at smoke shops and convenience stores.
The licensed cannabis industry has such high barriers to entry that it demands a company have a great deal of money to pay lawyers and other experts to sort out how to enter the market. In New Jersey, the market remains difficult to enter.
The high barriers give small businesspeople a great incentive to find ways to make money without the hassle of red tape. Indeed, every cannabis policy expert will tell you the underground market is bigger than the legal market with its high prices and often mediocre cannabis.