5 Mindful Cannabis Consumption Tips

Smoke weed in Jersey top 5 places cannabis consumption tips

Here are 5 mindful adult-use cannabis consumption tips to improve your experience with the great plant weed.

A lot of people who bought weed when it was exclusively sold by underground legacy operators had varying experiences.

But, weed never had any labels describing its type or the dose or recommended serving size. A lot of times, you were just happy to get “good weed.” So, there were the sort of mishaps you would have from any unlabeled product.

One mishap and someone might go from a firm believer in the cannabis plant to very wary if the experience is that bad.

In addition, people react differently to cannabis consumed through various methods. So, figure out what is best for you through mindful trial and error.

So here are some important ideas to be mindful of when consuming adult-use cannabis.

1. Know if You’re Smoking an Indicia or Sativa

A savvy cannabis consumer should know if they are smoking an Indica or Sativa dominant cannabis strain or cultivar. Many are Hybrid, but some will say which is dominant.

Smoking Indica weed is good when you want to relax and be lazy or go to sleep. A Sativa is good when you want to be energetic or talkative at a party or elsewhere.

Mixing up consuming lazy Indicas when you need to be energetic and uplifting Sativas when you want to calm down is a widespread misstep among underground cannabis consumers.

The catch is you smoke weed randomly passed to you, and it could knock you out and make you tired and want to watch TV when you want to be active.

2. Know the Type of Cannabis Strain You Like

Besides knowing the basics between Indica and Sativa, a savvy cannabis consumer should get to know some of the different cannabis strains.

There is a gigantic number of strains. Each one is different than the other.

Some weed like Gelato can make you talkative and uplifted if you feel down, for example.

An energetic Sativa strain will not calm you down the way another strain will. In fact, it might make you paranoid.

It’s also important to know what cannabis strain you like.

Back in the day, I smoked weed before a party in college and it made me very quiet and not in the mood for a party. If I had known what it was I would have thought twice.

I also smoked weed that made me laugh at almost every scene in the first half of the serious war movie Full Metal Jacket. Unfortunately, I have no idea what that weed was. It could have been the most popular cannabis strain of 2007. But I’ll never know.

Part of what determines one’s judgment of the quality of cannabis is the smell. It is determined by terpenes.

In addition, the cannabinoids determine how cannabis consumption will affect you. So, while you might enjoy a Sativa in general, one with CBG might be the most healing or soothing for you.

3. Start Low and Go Slow

Another common mistake of cannabis consumers is to smoke a lot of weed or take too many edibles too fast.

Doing so has the same effect as gulping liquor instead of slowly sipping a mixed drink. You will get too high too fast.

This is also a common mistake among new and less experienced cannabis consumers.

You should take it lightly if you don’t know what you’re doing.

4. Smoking Weeds Hits You Differently Than Edibles

There’s a lot of science behind getting high. It occurs through different parts of the body. So, when you smoke, the body feels it immediately.

Smoking by directly inhaling weed is also a different high than a “contact high” when the room is filled with smoke and you are breathing it in.

The digestion system breaks down edibles, so they produce a different high.

Smoking weed can be like taking a shot of alcohol versus sipping a mixed drink with a lot of ice.

Some people talk about a “body high” versus a “head high.”

In addition, smoking can be harsh on the throat. So, a lot of people do like gummies, edibles, or infused drinks.

5. Edibles Take a While to Hit While Smoking is Quicker

Since edibles are eaten, they go through the digestive system. But that needs time to work.

Since the digestion process takes longer, you need to wait.

It can take about 30 minutes to two hours in some cases for it to work and for you to feel high.

Sometimes you can suck on a gummy or have an infused edible linger in your mouth, so it is absorbed under the tongue, like cannabis oil. That is known as the sub linga method, which is the scientific Latin term.

Thus, you should wait and not take more if you don’t want to get “too high.”

By Bob Stone


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